Main home - list of cases


Case home - list of documents in a case as well as a list of case-specific labels and a list of depositions.

Deposition home - for deposition preparation. You decide which case documents are relevant to this particular deposition and link them. 


Sub navigation

  • AgileLaw logo takes you to main home
  • Your account name opens a menu where you can change your account information, password, security questions.  You can also manage users, case permissions and document repository integrations. 
  • Support has the same information as help, but it takes up the full window.
  • Help brings up the help widget where you can find how-tos for the application like how to create a case. 
  • Logout - to securely exit your account.

Recent deposition list - shows your most recent depositions for all cases. Clicking on the deposition opens that deposition's page. You can also resume a deposition directly from here.

Recent deposition list
- shows your most recent depositions for all cases. Clicking on the deposition opens that deposition's page. You can also resume a deposition directly from here.


Deposition list in case
- list of all depositions specific to this case. 

Account Settings

  • Account Admin - Use to change your personal information.

  • Change Password - Change password requires current password.

  • Manage Users - Add and remove users from your account. 

  • Security Questions - Change your security questions and answers.

  • Manage Cases - Edit case details, archive/restore case data, and manage user access permissions.

  • Billing and Usage - View billing details and plan usage data.

  • Integrations - Connect to third party document repositories like Relativity to access documents from the cloud.